About Us!

Our Charter

Alresford Community Choir is based in the town of Alresford and serves the town and surrounding Hampshire community. It is a totally inclusive choir. All applicants for membership are accepted, no matter their age, gender, race, religion, needs, musical experience or ability.

We will do all we can to provide a warm and friendly welcome to all who wish to sing with us in practices and concerts that are great fun, challenging, whilst but enabling individuals to improve.

We will operate so that we:

  • encourage commitment to the highest quality vocal development possible, for individuals and within the choir as a whole
  • support every member to make excellent progress in the development of their individual vocal and choral skills, knowledge, and understanding, through work in practices, sectionals, additional workshops and online courses
  • protect the best interests of individual members, and the whole choir, in the selection of musical programmes, repertoire, and in the choice of venues for concerts
  • encourage members to have great attendance and commitment to all rehearsals and concerts
  • help members to protect their voices and use them safely, so that they may continue to enjoy a lifetime of high-quality vocal activity

Music Making and Entertainment….

Making music by yourself isn't half as much fun as singing with others. Come along to a practice or a concert and find out by seeing and hearing us and feel what we mean! We are always happy to welcome new folk whether very experienced or complete novices.

Music brings people together!

This saying could well be our motto as we're a very varied  group of people, all bound by a real love of music. Men, women as well as young people can join us. Everyone is warmly welcomed and, next to hard practice, to achieve high musical standards, it’s all about the spirit of fun and enjoyment.

We aim that our singing will bring pleasure to our audiences and bring us enjoyment too! We take rehearsing seriously and are constantly gaining experience, expertise and confidence. Once our spark has 'set an audience alight', we know that we've achieved our aim!

We're always happy to welcome new members to our group. Pop in and hear us on any Monday and introduce yourself to Theresa, our membership secretary, and Kim our Chair of Trustees. who both look after new members and 'guests'

We have charitable status and run to serve the needs of the Alresford Community. We are not working to make a profit nor seeking to promote any individual or small group of people above the needs and mission of the whole choir. All finances are open to scrutiny and are usually examined by an independent professional each year (except when Covid-19 much reduced our income in 2020-21).

We practice in St John the Baptist Church, New Alresford, and hope to perform in many concerts there, but Alresford Community Choir is not a religious organisation. We are happy that the Church authorities enable us to hire the building for practices and concerts, as it is very much at the centre of the Alresford community.

Do not hesitate to contact us about any interest or issue that you may have. You can email us at:


Join Us

We are always happy to have new members. If you're interested in adding a musical flavour to you leisure time, and love singing, then get in touch with us!  There are no auditions and it doesn't matter if you have lots of musical experience or none at all - enthusiasm is all that is required.

Go to our Contact page to let us know that you wish to join!



Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Alresford Community Choir